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BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 3

  • 31 Jan 2019
  • 7:00 AM
  • Chances Restaurant Parkyn Parade, Mooloolaba QLD 4557


  • If you are an invited guest please register here and place your breakfast order.
  • This registration is for existing members to confirm attendance of weekly meeting and breakfast order.

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Better Business Habits Weekly Breakfast - Week 2


What would you write a book about?


Cathryn Mora from Change Empire Book Coaching will present an entertaining 20 min presentation about book writing.

The presentation will highlight:

  • One of the fastest ways to establish credibility and clearly claim ownership of intellectual property is through writing a quality book
  • In any group 80% want to write a book. 5% will start writing that book. 2% will actually finish it. Why does this happen and how can you not be a statistic?
  • The common trip hazards plus practical tips about how to actually get started and most importantly, finish your book
  • How you only need 15 mins a day to get it done! (Most good things take 15 minutes, apparently)

A fast-paced, humorous look at what really counts and how you can make 2019 the year you become an author, raise your profile, and do cool things like get speaking gigs, media, and better-paying clients!

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