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Upcoming events

    • 19 Sep 2024
    • 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM
    • YOU HAD ME AT HELLO: 60 Dalton Dr, Maroochydore QLD 4558

    THIS WEEK's SPEAKER - Jamie Hill

    Every week a member of BBH (or a guest speaker) presents for 20-30 minutes on a topic in relation to their business or industry.



    26th September 2024 - Dryden Associates

    3rd October 2024 - Turner Scott Consulting

    10th October 2024 - Fitbooks Online

    Inviting a Guest?

    Use BBHGUEST when inviting a quest. The first 5 to use this for any event will be free.

    • 26 Sep 2024
    • 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM
    • YOU HAD ME AT HELLO: 60 Dalton Dr, Maroochydore QLD 4558

    THIS WEEK's SPEAKER - Matt Dryden

    Every week a member of BBH (or a guest speaker) presents for 20-30 minutes on a topic in relation to their business or industry.



    3rd October 2024 - Turner Scott Consulting

    10th October 2024 - Fitbooks Online

    17th October 2024 - Ryan Designer Homes & Ryan Construction

    Inviting a Guest?

    Use BBHGUEST when inviting a quest. The first 5 to use this for any event will be free.

    • 3 Oct 2024
    • 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM
    • YOU HAD ME AT HELLO: 60 Dalton Dr, Maroochydore QLD 4558

    THIS WEEK's SPEAKER - Chris Scott

    Every week a member of BBH (or a guest speaker) presents for 20-30 minutes on a topic in relation to their business or industry.



    10th October 2024 - Fitbooks Online

    17th October 2024 - Ryan Designer Homes & Ryan Construction

    24th October 2024 - Aqua Assist Pool Services

    Inviting a Guest?

    Use BBHGUEST when inviting a quest. The first 5 to use this for any event will be free.

    • 10 Oct 2024
    • 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM
    • YOU HAD ME AT HELLO: 60 Dalton Dr, Maroochydore QLD 4558

    THIS WEEK's SPEAKER - John Pickering

    Every week a member of BBH (or a guest speaker) presents for 20-30 minutes on a topic in relation to their business or industry.



    17th October 2024 - Ryan Designer Homes & Ryan Construction

    24th October 2024 - Aqua Assist Pool Services

    31st October 2024 - All Computer Services

    Inviting a Guest?

    Use BBHGUEST when inviting a quest. The first 5 to use this for any event will be free.

Past events

12 Sep 2024 idDesign - Charles Monthe
5 Sep 2024 Anderson-Stevens Property
29 Aug 2024 In Noosa + Hello Sunshine Magazine - Jakki Goodall
15 Aug 2024 A Special Inhouse Session
8 Aug 2024 MMLaw - Malcolm McColm
1 Aug 2024 Sherrin Partners - Michelle Milsom
25 Jul 2024 On Hold Express - Jamie Cameron
11 Jul 2024 FIT BOOKS - PICKO
4 Jul 2024 Aqua Assist Pool Services - John Campbell
28 Jun 2024 Better Business Habits EOFY Golf Day 2024
27 Jun 2024 Ryan Designer Homes & Ryan Construction - Pat Ryan
20 Jun 2024 Fitbooks - John Pickering
13 Jun 2024 Turner Scott Consulting - Chris Scott
23 May 2024 Property Today - Jamie Hill
16 May 2024 id Design - Charles Monthe
9 May 2024 Paula Anderson - Stevens
18 Apr 2024 Jakki Goodall - Hello Sunshine & IN Noosa Magazine
11 Apr 2024 GUEST SPEAKER: James Currah - Co.gency
4 Apr 2024 Jon Colley - Loanwize
28 Mar 2024 Malcolm McColm - MM Law
21 Mar 2024 Michelle Millson
14 Mar 2024 MMLaw
7 Mar 2024 Sherrin Partners
29 Feb 2024 On Hold Express
22 Feb 2024 Zehn Electrical Services
15 Feb 2024 Pestecute Pest and Wildlife Control - Pat Hart
8 Feb 2024 Solo Legal - Caroline Parsons
25 Jan 2024 All Computer Services - Jack Swanepoel
18 Jan 2024 We're back for 2024
14 Dec 2023 Christmas Breakfast in the Park,Pond or Puddle
7 Dec 2023 Aqua Assist Pool Cleaning - John Campbell
30 Nov 2023 Ryan Designer Homes - HIA Update
23 Nov 2023 Fitbooks - John Pickering
16 Nov 2023 Kevin Bennett
9 Nov 2023 Dryden Associates - Matt Dryden
2 Nov 2023 BBC Digital - Paul Robertson
26 Oct 2023 Turner & Scott - Chris Scott
19 Oct 2023 Hello Sunshine Magazine - Jakki Goodall
12 Oct 2023 Loanwize - Jon Colley
5 Oct 2023 Anderson-Stevens Property - Paula & Sue
21 Sep 2023 Waterfront Agents - Trevor Martin
14 Sep 2023 TBC - GET EXCITED!!
31 Aug 2023 Sunshine Coast Naturopaths - Kerri Abbot
24 Aug 2023 McColm Matsinger Lawyers - Malcolm McColm
17 Aug 2023 Transitions Therapy - Deb Hediger
10 Aug 2023 Sunshine Antenna Service - Phil White
3 Aug 2023 Zehn Electrical - Justin Zehner
27 Jul 2023 Solo Legal - Caroline Parsons
20 Jul 2023 Sherrin Partners - Michelle Millsom
13 Jul 2023 On Hold Express - Jamie Cameron
6 Jul 2023 All Computer Services - Jack Swanepoel
29 Jun 2023 Pestecute - Pat Hart
15 Jun 2023 Anderson-Stevens Property - Paula Anderson
8 Jun 2023 Ryan Designer Homes - Pat Ryan
1 Jun 2023 Aqua Assist - John Campbell
25 May 2023 Ocean Buyers Agency - Keeta Gibson
18 May 2023 BBH Budget Summary + Extravanganza
11 May 2023 Fitbooks - John Pickering
4 May 2023 BBC Digital Offsite Breakfast - Paul Robertson
27 Apr 2023 Turner Scott Consulting - Chris Scott
13 Apr 2023 Loanwize - Jon Colley
6 Apr 2023 Waterfront Agents - Trev Martin
30 Mar 2023 Hello Sunshine/In Noosa Magazine - Jakki Goodall
23 Mar 2023 Sunshine Coast Naturopaths - Kerri Abbot
16 Mar 2023 Getting the most out of your membership - Paul 'The Member Whisperer' Robertson
9 Mar 2023 Rest Rich Apparel - Spencer Abbot + Jake McGill
2 Mar 2023 McColm Matsinger Lawyers - Malcolm McColm
23 Feb 2023 Transitions Therapy - Deb Hediger
16 Feb 2023 Sunshine Antenna Service - Phil White
9 Feb 2023 Dryden Associates - Matt Dryden
2 Feb 2023 The Code Place - Wayne Lawson
19 Jan 2023 New Year Introduction Breakfast
15 Dec 2022 Christmas Breakfast in the Park
10 Dec 2022 BBH Christmas at the Millsoms
8 Dec 2022 Sherrin Partners - Michelle 'Milly' Millsom
1 Dec 2022 All Computer Services - Jack Swanepoel
24 Nov 2022 The Code Place - Wayne Lawson
17 Nov 2022 Guest Speaker - Kaleb Ufton - EKOH Marketing
10 Nov 2022 Aspex Property - Paula Anderson-Stevens
3 Nov 2022 Pestecute - Pat Hart
27 Oct 2022 Group Chat
21 Oct 2022 OCTOBER 21 Better Business Habits EOFY Golf Day 2022
20 Oct 2022 On Hold Express - Jamie Cameron
13 Oct 2022 Ryan Designer Homes - Pat Ryan
6 Oct 2022 Aqua Assist - John Campbell
29 Sep 2022 Fitbooks (John Pickering)
15 Sep 2022 Turner Scott Consulting (Chris Scott)
8 Sep 2022 Sunshine FM (Chris Wordsworth)
1 Sep 2022 Loanwize (Jon Colley)
25 Aug 2022 Waterfront Agents (Trevor Martin)
18 Aug 2022 Hello Sunhine (Jakki Goodall)
11 Aug 2022 Naturally Into Health (Kerri Abbot)
4 Aug 2022 Dryden Associates (Matt Dryden)
28 Jul 2022 Robbo Technology Pty Ltd (Paul Robertson)
21 Jul 2022 Sherrin Partners (Michelle Millsom)
14 Jul 2022 The Code Place (Wayne Lawson)
7 Jul 2022 All Computer Services (Jack Swanepoel)
30 Jun 2022 Pestecute (Patrick Hart)
23 Jun 2022 On Hold Express (Jamie Cameron)
16 Jun 2022 Apex Property (Paula Anderson-Stevens)
9 Jun 2022 Ryan Designer Homes (Pat Ryan)
2 Jun 2022 Aqua Assist Pool Services (John Campbell)
26 May 2022 Turner Scott Consulting (Chris Scott)
19 May 2022 Fitbooks (John Pickering)
12 May 2022 Newscorp/Nextend (Jakki Goodall)
5 May 2022 Loanwize (Jon Colley)
28 Apr 2022 Waterfront Agents (Trevor Martin)
21 Apr 2022 Naturally Into Health (Kerri Abbot)
14 Apr 2022 Dryden Associates (Matt Dryden) - Getting the numbers right
7 Apr 2022 The Systems Mentor (Bruce French) - Business Systems and Processes
31 Mar 2022 All Computer Services (Jack Swanepoel) - IT Stuff and General Computer Tips
24 Mar 2022 Sherrin Partners (Michelle Millsom) - Personal Insurance + Retirement Planning
17 Mar 2022 Aspex Property (Paula Anderson-Stevens) - What does Customer Service look like to your business.
10 Mar 2022 Education/Video Presentation - Dr Peter McCullogh interview on Covid and Censorship
3 Mar 2022 The Code Place (Wayne Lawson) - Taking a client from XL to a Customised Software Platform
24 Feb 2022 BBH Breakfast Meeting - Customer Service
17 Feb 2022 BBH Breakfast Meeting - Patrick Hart
10 Feb 2022 BBH Breakfast Meeting - Jamie Cameron
3 Feb 2022 BBH Breakfast Meeting - Pat Ryan
27 Jan 2022 BBH Breakfast Meeting - John Campbell
16 Dec 2021 BBH Christmas Breakfast on a Boat
9 Dec 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting - Savage Santa
2 Dec 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting - Chris Scott
25 Nov 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting - John Pickering
18 Nov 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting - Jon Colley
11 Nov 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting - Trevor Martin
4 Nov 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting - Jakki Goodall
21 Oct 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting - Matt Dryden
14 Oct 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 39 - Bruce French
7 Oct 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 38 - Michelle Millsom
30 Sep 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 37 - Richard Turnbull
23 Sep 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 36 - Brendan Bathersby
16 Sep 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 35 - Matt Dryden
9 Sep 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 34 - Jack Swanepoel
2 Sep 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 33 - Wayne Lawson
26 Aug 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 31 - Paula Anderson-Stevens
19 Aug 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 31 - Patrick Hart
12 Aug 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 30- Jon Colley
29 Jul 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 29 - Trevor Martin
23 Jul 2021 Better Business Habits EOFY Golf Day 2021
22 Jul 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 28 - Nadja Fleet & Jakki Goodall - The Sunshine Coast Daily - News Corp
15 Jul 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 27 - John Campbell
8 Jul 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 26 - John Pickering
24 Jun 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 25 - EOFY review
17 Jun 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 23- Dr John Whiteoak
10 Jun 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 22- Group Activity
3 Jun 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 21- Michelle Millson
27 May 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 20- Jost Sauer - Health and Vitality
20 May 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 19- Jon Colley
13 May 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 18- Matt Dryden
6 May 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 17 - Christine Matsinger
29 Apr 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 16 - Georgia Chase
15 Apr 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 14 - Donna Earley
8 Apr 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 13 - Jack Swanepoel
1 Apr 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 12 - Trevor Martin
18 Mar 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 10 - Mike Ryan
11 Mar 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 9 - Jamie Cameron
6 Mar 2021 The TreeTop Challenge
4 Mar 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week - Workshop
25 Feb 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 7 - Cindy Scott - Coping + Thriving With Adversity
18 Feb 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 6 - Jakki Goodall & Brylie Moncur - News Corp
11 Feb 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 5 - World Cafe Activity
4 Feb 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 4 - Chris Scott
28 Jan 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 3 - Bruce French
21 Jan 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 2 - Planning
14 Jan 2021 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 1 - Welcome Back
5 Dec 2020 Indulgent Adventure - BBH's 2020 Xmas Party
3 Dec 2020 BBH Breakfast- Pat Ryan- Week 39
26 Nov 2020 BBH Breakfast- John Pickering- Week 38
19 Nov 2020 BBH Breakfast- Deon Metcalf- Week 37
12 Nov 2020 BBH Breakfast- Greg Keily- Week 35
5 Nov 2020 BBH Breakfast- John Pickering- Week 34
29 Oct 2020 BBH Breakfast- Will Paterson - Week 33
22 Oct 2020 BBH Breakfast- Jon Colley- Week 34
15 Oct 2020 BBH Breakfast- Jakki Goodall - Week 31
8 Oct 2020 BBH Breakfast- Donna Earley - Week 30
1 Oct 2020 BBH Breakfast-Pat Ryan - Week 29
24 Sep 2020 BBH Breakfast- John Campbell- Week 28
17 Sep 2020 BBH Breakfast- Guest Speaker: Jenny Lawson - Week 27
10 Sep 2020 BBH Breakfast -Michelle Millsom- Week 26
3 Sep 2020 BBH Breakfast -TBC- Week 25
27 Aug 2020 BBH Breakfast -Trevor Martin- Week 24
20 Aug 2020 BBH Breakfast -Mick Kinnear- Week 23
13 Aug 2020 BBH Breakfast -Jamie Cameron- Week 22
6 Aug 2020 BBH Breakfast -Maree Machin - Week 21
30 Jul 2020 BBH Breakfast -Brains Trust - Georgia Chase - Week 20
24 Jul 2020 Better Business Habits EOFY Golf Day 2020
23 Jul 2020 BBH Breakfast -Completing BBH Vision & Mission Statements - Week 19
9 Jul 2020 BBH Breakfast - Guest Speaker - Maree Machin - Week 17
2 Jul 2020 BBH Breakfast - Bruce French - Week 16
25 Jun 2020 BBH Breakfast - Tony Williams - Week 15
18 Jun 2020 BBH Breakfast Meeting Tax Time - Matt Dryden Week 15
11 Jun 2020 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 14
5 Jun 2020 BBH Virtual Cocktail Evening
4 Jun 2020 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 13
12 Mar 2020 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 9 - Wayne Lawson
27 Feb 2020 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 7 - Todd Forrest - Division 4 Candidate
13 Feb 2020 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 5 - Christine Matsinger - McColm Matsinger Lawyers
6 Feb 2020 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 4 - Chris Thompson - 2020 Mayoral Candidate for Sunshine Coast Council
30 Jan 2020 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 3 - Paula Anderson-Stevens
23 Jan 2020 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 2 - Pod Planning
16 Jan 2020 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 1
5 Dec 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 47- BBH Awards
28 Nov 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 46- Michelle Millsom
23 Nov 2019 Ahoy there BBH Maties - All aboard for the 2019 Xmas Cruise
21 Nov 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 45- Michelle Hamer
14 Nov 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 44- Matt Dryden
7 Nov 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 43- Paula Anderson-Stevens
31 Oct 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 42- Dr Retha de Villiers Scheepers
24 Oct 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 41- Mat Murphy
17 Oct 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 40- Jack Swanepoel
3 Oct 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 38-Deon Metcalf
26 Sep 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 37- Guest Speaker Jason Wright
19 Sep 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 35- Jon Colley
5 Sep 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 33- Business opportunity activity
29 Aug 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 32- Kala Ogg
22 Aug 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 31- John Pickering
15 Aug 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 30- Wayne Lawson
1 Aug 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 28- Christine Matsinger
26 Jul 2019 Better Business Habits EOFY Golf Day
27 Jun 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 23 - Al Emery
20 Jun 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 22 - Wayne Stevens
13 Jun 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 21 - John Campbell
6 Jun 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 20 - Gavin Keeley
30 May 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 19 - Trevor Martin
23 May 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 18 - Georgia Chase
16 May 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 17 - Assistant Professor Steven Hamilton
9 May 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 16 - Matt Dryden
2 May 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 15 - Kerri Abbott
18 Apr 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 14 - Cassie Kinnear
11 Apr 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 13 - Carren Smith
4 Apr 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 12- Bruce French
28 Mar 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 11 -Mingle with Min
21 Mar 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 10
14 Mar 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 9 - Craig Levitt
7 Mar 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 8
28 Feb 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 7
21 Feb 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 6
14 Feb 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 5
7 Feb 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 4
31 Jan 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 3
24 Jan 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 2
17 Jan 2019 BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 1
20 Dec 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 49 - Last Meeting for 2018
13 Dec 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 48
6 Dec 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 47
1 Dec 2018 BBH 2018 Xmas Party
29 Nov 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 46
22 Nov 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 45
15 Nov 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 44
8 Nov 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 43
1 Nov 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 42
25 Oct 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 41
18 Oct 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 40
11 Oct 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 39
4 Oct 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 38
27 Sep 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 37
20 Sep 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 36
13 Sep 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 35
6 Sep 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 34
30 Aug 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 33
23 Aug 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 32
16 Aug 2018 BBH Breakfast Meeting week 31

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