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BBH Breakfast Meeting Week 2 - Pod Planning

  • 23 Jan 2020
  • 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM
  • Black Bunny - Shop 1/180 Alexandra Parade, Alexandra Headland QLD 4572


  • If you are an invited guest please register here and place your breakfast order.
  • This registration is for existing members to confirm attendance of weekly meeting and breakfast order.
  • This ticket is available for guests who wish to attend this specific event as a one off attendance.

Registration is closed

Better Business Habits Weekly Breakfast - Week 2

Last week we determined:

Guest Speaker

  • Once a month on the first of the month
  • First two Guest speakers will be local candidates
  • 6th Feb - Chris Thompson 
  • 27th Feb - Todd Forrest 
  • Mark Paddenberg TBA
  • Futurist TBA

Member Speaker

  • Birthday Calendar Roster again
  • Research topics early
  • Chair to remind three weeks out 
  • limited excuses for swapping spots


  • Q1 Food Crawl
  • Q2 Highropes
  • Q3 Golf
  • Q4 Xmas party
  • No social drinks for Jan
  • Social drinks last Friday of the month 

This week we will determine:

  • Allocate Pod Delegates.
  • Set goals for each Pod.

*Jakki couldn't access last year's survey from Survey Monkey so will just present survey on the morning and take votes. *if you don't want to be elected into a role make sure you attend :-)

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